Thursday, December 18, 2014

Types of adverbs and position

1. Types of Adverbs
There are different kinds of adverbs expressing different meaning. The following are some of the common ones.

Adverb of time
An adverb of time tells us when something is done or happens. We use it at the beginning or at the end of a sentence. We use it as a form of emphasis when we place it at the beginning. Adverbs of time include afterwards, already, always, immediately, last month, now, soon, then, and yesterday.
  • He collapsed and died yesterday.
  • His factory was burned down a few months ago.
  • Last week, we were stuck in the lift for an hour.

Adverb of place
An adverb of place tells us where something is done or happens. We use it after the verb, object or at the end of a sentence. Adverbs of place include words such as abovebelowhereoutsideover therethereunderupstairs.
  • We can stop here for lunch.
  • The schoolboy was knocked over by a school bus.
  • They rushed for their lives when fire broke out in the floor below.

Adverb of manner
An adverb of manner tells us how something is done or happens. Most adverbs of manner end in –ly such as badlyhappilysadlyslowlyquickly, and others that include wellhardfast, etc.
  • The brothers were badly injured in the fight.
  • They had to act fast to save the others floating in the water.
  • At the advanced age of 88, she still sang very well.

Adverb of degree
An adverb of degree tells us the level or extent that something is done or happens. Words of adverb of degree are almostmuchnearlyquitereally,sotoovery, etc.
  • It was too dark for us to find our way out of the cave. (Before adjective)
  • The referee had to stop the match when it began to rain very heavily. (Before adverb)
  • Her daughter is quite fat for her age.
  • The accident victim nearly died from his injuries.
  • After all these years, she is still feeling very sad about her father’s death.

Adverb of frequency
An adverb of frequency tells us how often something is done or happens. Words used as adverbs of frequency include againalmost, alwayseverfrequently,generallyhardly evernearlynearly alwaysneveroccasionallyoften,rarelyseldomsometimestwice, usually, and weekly.
  • They were almost fifty when they got married.
  • He hardly ever say something nice to his wife.
  • While overseas, he frequently phoned home.
  • She is not nearly always right although she thinks she is always right.
  • He complained that she never smiled back.
  • We only write to each other very occasionally.
  • Peter seldom reads the Bible.
  • Sometimes he stays late in the office to complete his work.
  • Our cat was bitten twice by the same dog.
  • The man usually proposes marriage.
2. Comparison of Adverbs
There are three degrees of comparison in adverbs – the Positive, theComparative, and the Superlative. The adverbs form their comparatives and superlatives using –er and –est , and more and most. Adverbs that end in –ly use the words more and most to form their comparatives and superlatives.

The one-syllable adverbs use ‘-er’ in the comparative form, and ‘-est’ in the superlative form.

Adverbs which end in ‘-ly’ or have three or more syllables each form the comparative with ‘more’ and the superlative with ‘most’.
angrilymore angrilymost angrily
brightlymore brightlymost brightly
dimlymore dimlymost dimly
freelymore freelymost freely
gladlymore gladlymost gladly
heavilymore heavilymost heavily
loudlymore loudlymost loudly
quietlymore quietlymost quietly
sweetlymore sweetlymost sweetly
terriblymore terriblymost terribly

The comparative form is used to compare two things.
  • We must not reach there later than 7 o’clock.
  • You speak more loudly than a loudspeaker.
  • Sirius shines more brightly than all the other stars.

The superlative form is used to compare three or more things.
  • He arrived the earliest, so he had to wait for the others.
  • Why do you have to speak the most loudly of all at the meeting?
  • Of all the girls, your sister sang the most sweetly.

It is not correct to use –er and more together, or –est and most together.
  • The tree is more taller than the giraffe. (Incorrect)
    The tree is taller than the giraffe(Correct)
  • This turkey is the most oldest in the farm. (Incorrect)
    This turkey is the oldest in the farm. (Correct)
Some adverbs form the comparative and the superlative irregularly.
badlyworse (than)worst (the)
  • Of the two teddy bears, which do you like better?
  • This has to be the farthest I have ever walked in my life.

3. Forms of Adverbs
There are three forms of adverbs: adverbs formed by adding -ly to an adjective, adverbs that share identical words with an adjective, and adverbs not derived from an adjective or any other word.

a) Most adverbs are formed by adding -ly to an adjective 
  • He had a sudden heart attack while jogging. (Adjective)
  • He suddenly had a heart attack while jogging. (Adverb)
  • She had a quick walk to get there on time. (Adjective)
  • She walked quickly to get there on time. (Adverb)
(List 8 – Forming Adverbs)

b) Adverbs that share identical words with an adjective 
  • He found the exam quite hard. (Adjective)
  • He failed his exam as he didn't try very hard. (Adverb)
  • The two brothers live on opposite sides of the city. (Adjective)
  • She has a brother who lives opposite to her. (Adverb)
(List 9 – Adverbs sharing same words as Adjectives)

c) Adverbs such as asevenhownevernextnowrathersosoonstill, thentoo, etc. 
  • He doesn't even know where the Pacific Ocean is.
  • He said he had never been to a circus.
  • She has got rather a lot of money to spend at this time of the month.
  • She has eaten two big pizzas and is still hungry.  

Converting a number of adjectives to adverbs by adding -ly entails removing a letter as shown in the following:
  • by adding –ly or –ally to the end of an adjective (quick –quickly, heroic –heroically),
  • by adding –ly after removing the last –e from an adjective (comfortable–comfortably, possible–possibly), or
  • by dropping the last from an adjectiveand replacing it with –ily (easy–easily, happy–happily).
Adverbs are also formed from other parts of speech such as noun (accident)and verb (hurry), and from present participle (frightening). 
  • She deleted my file by accident. (Noun)
  • She accidentally deleted my file. (Adverb)
  • Nick hurried to answer the telephone. (Verb)
  • Nick moved hurriedly to answer the telephone. (Adverb)
  • He's frightening us with the speed he's driving. (present participle)
  • He's driving frighteningly close to the edge of the pavement. (Adv)
4. Positions of Adverbs
Adverbs occupy different positions in a sentence.

1.  At the beginning of a sentence before the subject 
Sometimes she gives me a lift to work. 
Fortunately we got home before it started to rain. 
Suddenly all the lights went out.

2.  After the auxiliary verb and before the main verb
The father was tragically killed in a road accident.
We do occasionally go bird-watching.
The rain has already stopped when we arrived.

3.  After the auxiliary verb (be) that is used as the main verb 
She is always quick to point out other people's faults. 
As usual, they are very late. 
The boys were incredibly lucky to be alive after what happened.

4.  Before the main verb if there is no auxiliary verb
Their parents often go to the cinema.
She reluctantly agreed to his proposals.
Your fat uncle accidentally knocked my vase of fresh flowers over.

5.  After the main verb if there is no auxiliary verb 
The sisters dressed beautifully for the occasion. 
The tourist looked carefully at the antique before she bought it. 
She spoke loudly to the crowd on women's issues.

6.  At the end of a sentence 
He admitted punching and kicking the man repeatedly
Our old neighbour fell and hurt her leg badly
Hey, you have not pronounced my name correctly.

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