Thursday, July 26, 2018

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

English Activities

One Two Three with DO and DOES

Present simple with other verbs

Subject         +             Verb                +         Complement
    1                                2                                      3 

  He                          drinks                          water every monrning before breakfast.

Present simple with verb to be

Subject         +             Verb                +         Complement
    1                                2                                      3 

   She                           is                             always at home on the weekends.

What would you write on the line: do, does, is, am, are

1. _____Is____________ she     tall and pretty?
              2                           1                3

We use is because is third person and you only have 1 + 3 and you are missing 2 which is the verb. In this case, the verb is verb to be.

2. _____Does____________ she         clean         the house every day?
                                                1               2                      3

We have subject +  verb + complement (1 + 2 + 3) you only need an auxiliary. If you have a verb then you have an auxiliary in a question and in negative form

3. _____ARE____________ we good doctors?

4. ______DO___________ they wash their hands before surgery?

5. ______IS__________ it sick?

6. ______DOES___________ it eat well?

7. _______DO__________ we play soccer every Saturday?

You just have to follow the one two three rule like dance steps one two three, one two three


If the student does not understand the uses of verb to be, it will be hard to understand present simple.

FOAMINDL is a mneumanic technique

Feelings          I am hungry, She is thirsty, He is sad, We are sick, They are angry, etc.
Occupation     She is a doctor, I am a new student, He is an actor, They are engineers, etc.
Age                 I am 13 years old, She is 30 years old, We are 21 years old, etc.
Marital Status   He is married, They are married, She is single, etc.
Introduction    A: Pedro, this is Livio
                        B: Livio, this is Pedro
Nationality      I am from Brazil. I am brazilian. / He is from USA. He is american.
Description     She is tall and slim. He is short and chubby. They are light complexion.
Location         She is in the hospital. We are in the forest. He is under the bed. You are underground.

Grammar Worksheets