Thursday, September 28, 2017


#1 – Use The -ING Form Of Verbs In Continuous Tenses
Continuous tenses are when an action is in progress, for example:
§  I’m studying English.
§  She’s watching TV.
§  We’re having lunch at the moment.
§  I’ve been thinking a lot about this decision.
§  He’s been working here since 1995.
§  They’ve been waiting for you for an hour.
§  When I came home last night, you were already sleeping.
§  I found $10 on the street while I was jogging in the park.
§  Sorry, I can’t meet with you tomorrow afternoon. I’ll be taking my friend to the airport.
#2 – Use The -ING Form When The Verb Is The Subject Of The Sentence
§  Skiing is my favorite winter sport.
§  Eating vegetables is good for your health.
§  Living in an English-speaking country helps you improve your English fast.

#3 – Use The -ING Form After Prepositions
§  I improved my English by practicing every day.
§  We left the party after saying goodbye to everyone.
§  I can’t believe he passed the test without studying at all!
§  They’ve made a lot of money since launching their new product.
§  I want to talk to you about investing in the stock market.
Exception: Never use the -ING form after “to”:
§  I need to practice my English more.
§  My mother told me to study for the test.
§  We’d like to invest in this technology.
§  The girl didn’t want to leave the party.
#4 – Use The -ING Form After These Verbs In English
Here are some common verbs in English that are followed by -ing.
§  admit
The politician admitted stealing millions of dollars.
§  avoid
You should avoid eating after 10 PM.
§  consider 
Have you considered buying a laptop computer?
§  enjoy
enjoy surfing and playing tennis.
§  finish
I finally finished cleaning the house at midnight.
§  can’t stand
I can’t stand going to parties where I don’t know anyone.
§  don’t mind
don’t mind working overtime.
§  look forward to
look forward to seeing you next week.
§  keep (continue)
My ex-boyfriend keeps calling me even though I’ve told him I don’t want to talk to him!
§  practice
I need to practice writing in English.
§  spend (time)
My roommate spends hours watching TV.
§  stop
He stopped smoking ten years ago.
§  suggest/ recommend
suggest taking some time off.
The doctor recommended getting more rest.
Start, like, and love can be used with the infinitive or -ing. Both are correct!
§  The baby started to cry.
= The baby started crying.
§  I like to run.
= I like running.
§  We love reading.
= We love to read.

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